
If screw connections have to be sealed, both the panel area and thread area must be sealed. In this case, gasket washers are used. To seal the panel area one uses gasket tapes and - ropes.

Depending on the operating temperature, different gasket materials are used.

MaterialMax. TempDescriptionComment
CFca. 1100°CCeramic
EPDMca. 120-150°CCellular rubber tape
PTFEca. 250°CPolytetrafluorethylen
GFca. 450°CGlass fibreas tape
KSca. 180°CKlingersil
GRca. 500°CGraphit
NPca. 120°CNeopren

Comment: The cited max. temperatures are recommended values. They depend on operating conditions. Please refer to the technical data of the supllier.

Gasket washers
Gasket tapes